I’m Alessandro (Scinawa). I am a researcher in quantum algorithms at CQT (Centre for Quantum Technologies). I’ve done a PhD in quantum machine learning at IRIF (Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale) and PCQC (Paris Center for Quantum Computation). My PhD was sponsored by Atos Quantum Lab, and I am the author of 2 patents in quantum technologies.
In another life, I was a contractor for some nation-wide projects for 3 ICT companies. I’ve also been an expert witness (consulente tecnico di parte) for 2 court cases. I am a founding member of Inclusive Hacker Framework. A decade ago I started to be involved in the vivid italian hackers’ community, where sometimes I contribute with talks. I am also a fellow of Hermes Center for digital human rights. I put my code online on Github. For more details please see Linkedin, and Scholar.
I served on the Program Committee of: EndSummerCamp 2016, IHC, and in the Local Committee of: FOCS2018.
I write new quantum algorithms with specific focus on quantum machine learning. Furthermore, I also study how to apply quantum algorithms to solve real problems in:
Before, I studied graph centrality measures, and I worked on the 4th of the Axioms for centrality.
You can follow (live) my PhD defense here.
I supervised the following students:
Luongo, A. (to appear). Applications of quantum algorithms for spectral sums.
Luongo, A., Bellante, A. (2021) Quantum algorithms for data representation. pdf
Luongo, A., Shao C. (2020). Quantum algorithms for spectral sums. [pdf].
Kerenidis, I., Luongo, A., & Prakash, A. (2019). Quantum Expectation-Maximization for Gaussian mixture models. International Conference in Machine Learning 2020 [pdf].
Kerenidis, I., Landman, J., Luongo, A., & Prakash, A. (2019). q-means: A quantum algorithm for unsupervised machine learning. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2019 [pdf].
Kerenidis, I., & Luongo, A. (2020). Classification of the MNIST data set with quantum slow feature analysis. Physical Review A [pdf].
Boldi, P., Luongo, A., & Vigna, S. (2017). Rank monotonicity in centrality measures. Network Science. [pdf].
The level of achievement that you have in anything, is a reflection of how well you were able to focus on it. (Steve Vai)
I (used to) play music. When I’m with friends and there’s a guitar or a piano around, maybe this. Di facili costumi ma di sani principi.